Sunday, June 14, 2009

Q&A with Take Cover

Lately, I've been checking out and talking to some great bands out of a sometimes surprising but growing music scene, being Minnesota. I don't know about you but before I started writing this site, I didn't know this scene existed. When I thought of Minnesota, I thought of a family friend who coached a university team there, lots of snow, and the Mall of America. You know, the one that the team skated through in one of those Mighty Duck movies?

I feel pretty stupid though when I look back at where I was when I started this site. The main goal was to find some great bands and try to shine a little more light to them in a broader way, doing interviews with the ones I really liked and writing about them on here since people are looking at this from all over and one of the gems I found through listening to some great bands was Take Cover. Take Cover, as I said before, comes out of Minneapolis and were suggested to me by another great act out of the same area, Jamestown Story who I have done an interview with in the past.

There is something about these acts I am listening to from the midwest area that is very special. It may be their general happy attitude about life or their great sense of music but it is something amazing and I am lucky enough to get the chance to sit down with some of the great ones. Recently, I sat down with Take Cover via the interwebs and we talked everything from favorite treat to their favorite album of 2009 thus far, one that is very popular and common, it's not a bad thing, from many bands I have talked to!

How did the name Take Cover come about? Has it always been that?
We were all hanging out watching videos on the internet and came across a video of Acceptance doing their song "Take Cover" live. It was done so well it kind of struck us all and right there we thought Take Cover would be the name!

What is in your opinion your top favorite album of 2009 thus far?
Oh this is a tough one since we all have different tastes in music. I know A Day To Remember's new album is really sick. I know there are so many more but I'm drawing a blank right now!

How do you go about the song writing process? Does one person write the lyrics or is it more of a collective effort?
Lyrically Ryan works on most of the lines in our songs and then brings them to the tables to see what works and what doesn't. We all give our input on pretty much all of the aspects of the music to make it the best product we can possibly put out.

Who are your major musical influences?
Collectively as a band we always look to some of these current bands for inspiration and direction for how they take on their image and sound: Anberlin, Paramore, Acceptance, Mayday Parade, and pretty much any oldies band that rocked it hard back in the day.

If you could choose any two acts to tour with, who would they be?
Sing it Loud-They are like our brothers and touring with them is amazing!
Anberlin-Just such a strong influence on our music and they are very down to earth guys!

Who are you listening to at the moment?
Black Eyed Peas "Boom Boom Pow".

Do you ever play covers? If so, which songs?
We might be putting one into the set, but we'll see.

What are you up to right now, music wise?
We are currently finishing our new EP "The Last Word" out on June 9th.

What's the most unusual place you have ever played or recorded at?
Birthday parties are always a little different situation because usually you don't know anyone there.

What's your favorite snack/treat?
There are just favorite foods in general.
Chad-Wings with ranch and Vitamin Water flavor Sync.

Any last words?
Keep posted for new updates coming up on the myspace coming very soon and our new EP will be launching in June!

You can find their new EP on iTunes along with some other great songs and look for them to come by you soon as they are currently on tour. They will be hitting Lacrosse Wisconsin tonight and can find a great update video by the guys right here:

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